Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22

1. What are you Thankful For? 5 Minute Writing Warm-Up

2. Reading Review:

3. Post-It Notes Timeline

4. Discussion

5. Journal Entry

6. Character Trading Cards: COMPUTER LAB… You will apply what you learned about the characters through your knowledge of the author, the author’s historical period, and the setting of the story. Analyze the main character: Mrs. Hale
7. PRINT when complete
8. Exchange and compare ideas with another group. Share..
9. Review Question Guidelines… Guideline Answers due Tomorrow.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, November 17th

1. Read Susan Glaspell’s biography and historical background
2.In your Journals answer the following questions:

• What do you think were the traditional gender roles in the 1900’s?
• Why did Susan Glaspell conflict with them?
• In your opinion, what influence will this have on the story?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wednesday, November 17th

Wednesday, November 17th
1. Groups: Discuss their journal entries and thoughts about the story from Homework
2. Minute to Win it…
3. Character Trading Cards: COMPUTER LAB… You will apply what you learned about the characters through your knowledge of the author, the author’s historical period, and the setting of the story. Analyze the main character: Mrs. Mallard
4. PRINT when complete
5. Exchange and compare ideas with another group. Share..
6. Review Question Guidelines… Groups work on answers…
HOWEWORK: Reflection Journal to note what you learned from this lesson and story.
• How did the study of the author and the historical context in which the story was written help you understand the story better?
• How did the Character Trading Cards help you organize your ideas or understand the character better?
• How can you apply these strategies for other reading assignments in this class and other classes?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


1. Reading Check Ch 12

2. Review

3. Reading Time

HOMEWORK: Chapter 13. 116-128.

Monday, March 29, 2010



We have only TWO weeks left of Quarter 3, so it's time to buckle down.


1. Read 15 Min

2. Reading Check

3. Double Entry/Map Activity Time

Monday 3/29
Ch 12
Pages 110-115

Friday, March 19, 2010


1. Collect Article of The Week

2. Reading Check

3. Discuss Reading

4. Watch 15 Minutes of Movie


1. Reading Check

2. Discuss Reading

3. Metaphor: Find 5 Metaphors and explain. Turn in.

4. Watch 10 Minutes of Movie

Article Of The Week Due Tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1. Reading Check Chapter 8

2. DISCUSS Chapter 7 and 8

3. Review Map of Janie's Journey Activity

4. Metaphor: Find 5 Metaphors from Ch 1-6 and give meaning.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 9 p. 88-93

Article of Week Due Friday. If you will be absent, turn in early...

Monday, March 15, 2010


1. Reading Check

2. Map of Janie's Journey Review and update
2nd Page of Map
How You Will Be Graded
The map will be evaluated on the following:

The neatness, accuracy and visual attractiveness of the map
The accuracy of the information about what Janie did in each place
The inclusion of valid descriptive words/phrases chosen from the novel for each place
The inclusion of valid conclusions about what Janie learned based on evidence from the novel

3. JUNIOR Presentations: College Preparation using Naviance. Media Center

Article of the week due FRIDAY: Repeal


1. Silent Reading 15 Min

2. Reading Check: Ch 6

3. View 15 Min. Their Eyes Were Watching God movie: 15:00 to 30:00

Monday, March 8, 2010


1. Reading Check: Ch 3 pages 21-25

2. Pear Tree Discussion:

3/9 Assignment:

1. Take Notes on Blog Under 3/9 Assignment

2. Summarize Chapter 3 on BLOG

*WORK ON Double Entry Journal update

** Read

HOMEWORK: Ch 4 Pages 26-33.

ARTICLE OF THE WEEK: Dinosaur Demise


The following is the reading schedule. The pages listed need to be read that evening or before the next day of class.

Monday 3/8
Ch 3
Pages 21-25

Tuesday 3/9
Ch 4
Pages 26-33

Wednesday 3/10
Ch 5
Pages 39-50

Thursday 3/11
Ch 6
Pages 51-75


Monday 3/15
Ch 7
Pages 76-80

Tuesday 3/16
Ch 8
Pages 81-87

Wednesday 3/17
Ch 9
Pages 88-93

Thursday 3/18
Ch 10
Pages 94-99

Friday 3/19
Ch 11
Pages 100-109

Monday 3/29
Ch 12
Pages 110-115

Tuesday 3/30
Ch 13
Pages 116-128

Wednesday 3/31
Ch 14
Pages 129-135

Thursday 4/1
Ch 15
Pages 136-138

Friday 4/2
Ch 16
Pages 139-146

Monday 4/5
Ch 17
Pages 147-153

Tuesday 4/6
Ch 18
Pages 154-167

Wednesday 4/7
Ch 19
Pages 168-189



* Reading Check: 1 Question

* Class Summary of Chapter 2

* In-Class Assignment: Answer the following Question after re-reading pages 8-11:

What does the pear tree symbolize?

***HOMEWORK: Chapter 3: pages 21-25

Thursday, March 4, 2010

3/5 Lesson

• COLLECT Article of the week.
• Start with a Reading Check. Hand out the half sheets. You may NOT use books. COLLECT
• Watch the first 15 minutes of Their Eyes Were Watching God. Stop when Logan goes in to town and leaves Janie (15:10).
• Next, Viewing Check: summarize and compare movie to novel. COLLECT
• LASTLY, students will READ SILENTLY for the remainder. Chapter 2 is to be read for Monday (pages 8-20).

3/4 Lesson and ACTIVITY 2

1. Take Notes on Big Read Radio Show. Students will present the three most important things they learned from the radio show. Discuss Carla Kaplan’s argument that Hurston “depicted black difference.”

2. Share Zora Neale Hurston Info

3. Discuss Opening Lines of Novel

4. Begin Reading aloud.

5. Homework: Pages 1-7.


Keeping a Double Entry Journal


While you are reading Their Eyes Were Watching God, you will notice some wonderful thought-provoking ideas that make you stop and ponder. In this activity you will keep a response journal to capture some of these ideas and give your opinion and interpretation of them.

The Task

During the reading of the novel, you will note and respond to 10-20 quotes that you find especially important. Doing this Double Entry Journal will help you with Activity 4 and Activity 5.

The Process: Exploring the Web, Creating a Product

Step 1. First of all read about the Double Entry Journal so you will understand how to organize your quotes and your responses.

Step 2. Choose between 14-20 quotes from throughout the novel to reflect on and write them on the left side. Perhaps you would like to follow a theme such as marriage, the role of women, issues of race, Janie's growth as a woman or the folkways of the people. On the other hand you may write down those quotes that are powerful poetic images, that are surprising, that make you laugh, or that relate to your own experience.

Step 3. On the right hand side reflect on the deeper significance of what is being said. Ponder, question and try to answer your own questions. An example of a thought-provoking quote is the third sentence of Chapter 3, "Did marriage end the cosmic loneliness of the unmated?" This question certainly makes a person think. That is what you will be doing. Thinking on paper. Having a dialogue with yourself.

How You Will Be Graded

The Double Entry Journal will be evaluated on the following:

Choosing from throughout the novel a substantial number of quotes which follow a theme or which are about ideas of interest to you.

The dialectal journal, as a response to literature, will reflect:

a judgment that demonstrates a comprehensive grasp of the significant ideas of work

support for key ideas and viewpoints through accurate and detailed references to the text

awareness of the author's use of stylistic devices and an appreciation of the effects created

the impact of perceived ambiguities, nuances, and complexities within text.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3/3 Class Plan and Assignment



DISCUSS findings with partner and share with Class


So far we have concentrated on the lives of mostly men. In The Things They Carried and in The Great Gatsby we explored the dynamics of a man's life as he struggled to gain acceptance in and understanding of a world.

We will begin a novel about a woman who is also trying to find a place in a world. In a world that looks at her differently because of her skin color. During the journey of her life, she is not only trying to find acceptance, she is also trying to gain respect and understanding in a world that gives neither to her.

TODAY: (Create Post: 3/3 Assignment)

ANALYZE the opening lines of the novel: "Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time. That is the life of men."

1. How are ships compared to man's wish?
2. Who is the Watcher?
3. Why is Time capitalized?
4. What does resignation mean? Why would the Watcher turn away in resignation?
5. What does "mocked" mean?
6. EXPLAIN what these lines mean in your own words.
7. What do you think this novel is going to be about?

ARTICLE OF THE WEEK DUE Friday 3/5: Chili Earthquake

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday 3/2 Assignment

A. Create Blog.
-Title it: David Barry(your name) LOA
-the address should be
-Check your name on this page and make sure it links to your new site.

B. Create a Link to the Literature Of the Americas blog:

Answer the following questions on your blog under the post 3/2 Assigment:

1. Why is it important to know something about the author of a story before you begin reading it? What does it help you do? What does it help you understand?

TODAY We will be starting a new novel, but before we do, it is important to know something about the author for all of the reasons you mentioned above.

Zora Neale Hurston

*Black novelist
*Wrote the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God
*Not highly acclaimed when the novel was written
*Experienced a renaissance in the late 1970's
*Spoke of traumas that Black people, especially women, faced in America

2. Please find the following information on the internet. Do not print any materials. Simply take notes off the screen and post here. Please find the following:






Monday, March 1, 2010

Activity 1

Their Eyes Were Watching God
Activity 1: Creating a Map of Janie's Journey


Are you ready for a journey of great depth and beauty? Are you willing to put aside all preconceived ideas of what the journey should be like and where it may take you? If you are, you are ready to travel deep into the heart of Janie Crawford. Janie Crawford, the main character in Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, is on the most important journey of her life--the journey of self-discovery.

Although in many ways this journey will be a personal one between you and Janie, some side excursions on the Internet will provide you with valuable information and insights into Janie's world. Each stop along the way is meant to be refreshing and enjoyable, a time of reflection. Have a wonderful trip!

The Task

After you have visited the sites listed below and while you are reading the novel, you will create a map of Janie Crawford's journey through Florida.

The Process: Exploring the Web, Creating a Product
Step 1. Find a map of Florida and on an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper (or larger if you wish), draw a map of Florida. Include all the major cities and the lake in the south central part of the state.

Step 2. On the map put the name and the number below for each place Janie lived:

West Florida
The Everglades
West Palm Beach
The Everglades

Go to Mapquest, and type in specific places you have difficulty locating on the first map.

Step 3. On a separate piece of paper make a chart with the following items as titles of each column on top:

place Janie visited
what Janie did there
descriptive words/phrases from the novel used to describe this place
any further information you learned from checking out these sites on the Internet:
your conclusions about what Janie learned in this place

How You Will Be Graded
The map will be evaluated on the following:

The neatness, accuracy and visual attractiveness of the map
The accuracy of the information about what Janie did in each place
The inclusion of valid descriptive words/phrases chosen from the novel for each place
The inclusion of valid conclusions about what Janie learned based on evidence from the novel